Hone your ability to anticipate questions, prepare talking points, avoid interview traps and redirect conversations to best suit your personal agenda. You will learn to craft and deliver meaningful messages to present your best self, pull off winning interviews, prepare for public speaking engagements and understand the basics of crisis management.
Get the coursesA Personalized Program for Elite Youth Sports Athletes as well as Collegiate & Pro Player
Virtual one-to-one Interview coaching for student athletes who have completed the Communication Essentials & Media Training courses. In-person AthletiSense® Programs for Pro Teams & Division I Men’s & Women’s Teams:
Additional In-person AthletiSense® Programs for Division I Collegiate and Pro Faculty, Coaches & Administrators include:
"It makes perfect sense that Dave and Abby Sims have enjoyed so much success with media training with various schools and teams. At Duke, we found their insight useful and they made the training enjoyable for our student-athletes. They were able to accomplish this in a very efficient and professional manner. I enjoy Dave's work as a broadcaster, and appreciate his value even more in working to get teams better prepared to handle increasing media responsibilities."
"You were outstanding! Your choice of teaching points was perfect. We want you back!"
"I have been involved with media on the high school, college and professional levels, and Dave and Abby Sims do the best job I have seen in crystallizing the media and bringing it to a level that our student athletes can appreciate and understand. Their presentation will become a regular part of our pre-season program."
Raise your game. Present your best self.